Monthly Archives: May 2010
Trade Unions, Web 2.0 and Social Media
Here is a presentation I created for a union conference. It aims to give union reps an overview of using new technology for organising. Please feel free to reuse and adapt it if you find it useful. The presentation can be downloaded directly from the link below. [slideshare id=4301655&doc=cyberunions-ccisua-100525203158-phpapp02] Trade unions, Web 2.0 and Social […]
Continue readingResearch: how do union activists use new technologies?
I am interested in finding out how trade union activists are using the Internet, new technologies and social media for union organising. Are you creating Facebook groups? Using twitter hashtags to raise awareness about critical issues? Signing LabourStart action alerts? Are you creating YouTube videos? Using email lists, blogs and wikis? What works best? What […]
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